Your Impact: School Tools 2022
What a tremendous impact in just a few short hours! Thanks to the generosity of our donors, volunteers and partners, nearly 3,000 students received backpacks and resources through this year’s School Tools event.
The beginning of the school year should be an exciting time for students and their parents — not one of financial stress and uncertainty. Hundreds of volunteers came together to alleviate that burden for families in our community. Thank you.

School Tools would not have been possible without our sponsors: GE; Colliers; Greenwood, Inc.; ITW Hartness; Lockheed Martin; Humana; and Publix Super Markets. We’re lucky to have wonderful partners in Greenville County Schools, Hispanic Alliance, Just Say Something, Mental Health America, Mill Village Farms, The Period Project, Pride Link, ReCraft, SC DHEC, and Greenville Triumph, all of whom showed up to provide resources and opportunities to local families.
A special thank you to Greenville County Parks & Recreation for hosting this year’s event at Staunton Bridge Community Center, to Colliers for providing us with a supply sorting space, to Proterra for helping us transport thousands of backpacks, and to WYFF News 4 for their coverage of all things School Tools.
School Tools is truly a community effort.
As we celebrate a century of service in our community, our sights are set on the next 100 years and the impact we can make together. Your support now through opportunities like School Tools will help shape the future of Greenville County — one where all people can achieve their full potential.